Yei!!! This is always Gina’s expression in any positive situation or simply when she is happy … And right now she is !! Because thanks to her talent for writing, she has won a scholarship at the prestigious Caribbean Musical Institute (IMC) located on the island of Puerto Encantado, considered the best place in the world to study Latin music and to be the cradle of the successful reggaeton. Gina is a cheerful, energetic and creative girl who likes to write. Her greatest dream is to compose songs for great artists and that everyone knows her ideas and feelings.


Format: 24 episodes, 2 seasons of 12 eps./each x 45′ eps.

Target: Tween + Teens + Families

Genre: Live Action, musical.

Producers: SOMOS Productions, Piñolywood Studios. (Argentina 2022)

Languages: Neutral Spanish; Brazilian Portuguese.

Broadcasters: Disney + LATAM.

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