Mara & Eva tells the adventures of two 14-year-old girls who couldn’t be more different from each other: Marta (Giulia Fazzini) is an ice skater who, despite the insistence of her mother and her coach, realizes that her true dream is music; Eva (Audrey Mballa) is a talented singer, a girl of African origin, daughter of the ice rink keeper, Ben, who teaches singing at night at the Mosquito suburban club and would like a future in music for her daughter, not knowing that her true passion is ice skating.

The meeting between these two opposite poles turns into a great friendship. So much so that the two girls will help each other achieve their true dream. A captivating story about the power of passions and friendship, which does not skimp on moments of reflection on the comparison between family histories and different personalities and on the relationship between parents and children.


Format: 19 eps + 1 especial x 22′

Target: Tweens+Family

Producers: 3Zero2 and Rai Ragazzi Italy

Territories: Rai Gulp Italia, Rai Play

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