Bing mirrors a pre-schooler’s real-life experience. From the joy of a new daily discovery to the disappointment of things not going quite as planned, Bing tells the small stories that make up those first experiences which can feel so big and shape our children’s understanding of the world and their potential within it. 

In each episode of Bing, pre-schoolers and their grown-ups will find situations that are familiar to them – small stories that centre around the experience and reactions of Bing – a curious, enthusiastic and inexperienced three-year-old boy.

The stories told in Bing are timeless and universal. Episodes are regularly revisited by grown-ups and young children as a way to explain and explore complex feelings or new experiences.



  • Series 1-3 (78 x 7’) launched in 2014.
  • Series 4 (26 x 7’), produced and launched in 2019.
  • Series 5 (26 x 7’) in the early stages of production

Target: kids aged 2 to 5 + All grown ups/ carers , parents, guardians, grandparents

Genre: Preschool Animation.

Producers: ACAMAR FILMS (UK).

Languages: English, Russian, German , French, Italian , Spanish (Castilian), Polish , Portuguese, Norwegian, Hungarian, Flemish , Dutch, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Swedish, Kazakh , Latvian, Serbian , Slovenian, Welsh, Indonesian , Malay, Thai…

Broadcasters: CBeebies (UK), Clan TV (Spain), TVO Kids (Canada), ABC Kids (Australia), Jimjam TV (Central & Eastern Europe Karusel (Russia), Rai Yoyo (Italy), DeA Junior (Italy), Puls 2 (Poland), Mini Mini (Poland), Ketnet (Belgium), Zappelin (Holland ) among others.

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