In times of social media – Instagram, followers, WhatsApp groups, or whatever you want to call it – life at school can be very complicated. That is why the group chat of classmates can easily become a true survival manual, full of tips: how to face an unexpected exam, a declaration of love or the arrival of a famous YouTuber at school.

In short, it is the engine from which all the surreal teenage adventures of Leo and his companions start!

Leo is a clumsy boy who just changed schools and once in class he will meet his lifelong friend Siry, who he is secretly in love with, along with other quirky classmates.

Life at school can often turn into a real nightmare, but luckily there are friends to ask for help!


Format: 30×5 ‘

Audience: Kids + Tweens

Producers: The Walt Disney Company Italia with 3ZERO2 TV

Territories: Disney Channel and Rai Gulp Italia

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