Captain Ray and his crew are hit by the lasers of three mischievous villains fleeing to earth, reducing their size to that of the palm of a child’s hand. Ray’s squad and the trio of villains come to earth to live with Joon and Mina, no less than two human children. As the trio of villains continue to create trouble in the house, Commander Ray and his squad must take action and maintain a safe environment for the children. WheeWheels is a fun and inspiring safety education series for preschoolers.

The series is based on the adventures of a brave fire truck team led by Captain Ray. Whenever there is trouble, Ray and his palm-sized brigade will arrive to help and keep the land safe!


Format: 52×11 ‘

Target: Kids 4 – 7 years old

Producer: Reesee Entertainment, China

Broadcasters: Karusel Russia, Nick and TV Plus Poland, Startimes Africa, Plus by Plus Ukraine, EBS Korea, Astro Brunei, Astro Malay, VIU Hong Kong, YOYO Taiwan, RTV Indonesia, Jinying, Kaku, Xuandong, Youki, Iqiyi and many others in China

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